Travel San Vito Lo Capo, Italy

Summer holiday in San Vito lo Capo, Sicily

March 1st, 2010

Sometimes you don't even have to travel far to find your perfect travel destination. I live in Italy and together with a friend of mine I decided to spend my summer holiday in Sicily, in San Vito lo Capo.

This really is a place that I would recommend for its amazing atmosphere and great beaches.

Night out in San Vito lo Capo. Night out in San Vito lo..

The people are fantastic and really easy to talk to and the places we visited were really pretty.

You could either spend your lazy days on the beach of decide to go sight seeiing. The food is also terrific and you can taste the real traditional Sicilian cuisine!

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Travel Tips for San Vito Lo Capo Italy:

Where to stay in San Vito Lo Capo: -

What to do in San Vito Lo Capo: -

Where to eat in San Vito Lo Capo: -

Travel Pictures of San Vito Lo Capo, Italy

  • Trip to San Vito lo Capo in Sicily. Trip to San Vito lo Capo in Sicily.
  • Night out in San Vito lo Capo. Night out in San Vito lo Capo.
  • On the beach in San Vito. On the beach in San Vito.
  • Summer holiday in Sicily. Summer holiday in Sicily.
  • Photos on the becah. Photos on the becah.
  • Perfect beach holiday, San Vito lo Capo. Perfect beach holiday, San Vito lo Capo.
  • Night out in Sicily. Night out in Sicily.
  • San vito lo Capo, Trapani, Sicily. San vito lo Capo, Trapani, Sicily.
  • On the beach in Sicily. On the beach in Sicily.


San Vito Lo Capo Weather

36 °C | 96.8 °F


Wonder85 photo
Name: Wonder85
Age: 26-33
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

Summer holiday in San Vito lo Capo, Sicily
Continent: Europe
Country: Italy
City: San Vito Lo Capo
Period: Jun 2003
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 5510

Travel Review

Liked: Beautiful place!
Disliked: You can reach San Vito lo Capo by car or bus but by train it's simply impossible.
Trip Rating: Good

Map of San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily

Map San Vito Lo Capo Italy