Travel Macau, Macao

Casinos and Gambling in portuguese Macau

May 2nd, 2010

Like Hong Kong, Macau is considered a special administrative region of China with its own flag and identity.

Walking around in the city centre you will be able to see that the Chinese weren't the only ones influencing the development here and you can see a clearly European touch to Macau.

Photos of residential area in Macau Photos of residential area..

Macau, or Macao, was a portuguese colony with the first Europeans setting foot on its soil in 16th century.

Today you can still see these latin influences and some buildings and squares are similar to those in Portugal or Brazil.

A good example would be the ruins of the St. Paul's Cathedral, Casino Lisbona or the Centro de Turismo de negocios de Macao and the many shops around Senado Square.

Everywhere in Macau you will notice that writings are always in both chinese as portuguese which is really unusual and gives this place a unique and multicultural feel to it. The opening of several casino resorts and other developments continues to attract many tourists to Macau which is turning into a popular travel destination.

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Travel Tips for Macau Macao:

Where to stay in Macau: -

What to do in Macau: -

Where to eat in Macau: -

Travel Pictures of Macau, Macao

  • Photos of residential area in Macau Photos of residential area in Macau
  • Pictures of Macau by night Pictures of Macau by night
  • Portuguese cathedral in chinese Macau Portuguese cathedral in chinese Macau
  • Pictures of the ruins of the St Paul's Cathedral Pictures of the ruins of the St Paul's Cathedral
  • The casino's in Macau, Asia The casino's in Macau, Asia
  • Cathedral in Macau Cathedral in Macau
  • Casino Lisboa in Macau, China Casino Lisboa in Macau, China
  • Portuguese architecture in Macau Portuguese architecture in Macau
  • Photos of the casino's in Macau Photos of the casino's in Macau
  • Centro de Turismo de negocios de Macao Centro de Turismo de negocios de Macao
  • Casino building in Macau, China Casino building in Macau, China


Macau Weather

Light Rain Shower
27 °C | 80.6 °F


Darla photo
Name: Darla
Age: 34-41
Travel type: Business trip

Travel Blog

Casinos and Gambling in portuguese Macau
Continent: Asia
Country: Macao
City: Macau
Period: -
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 2435

Travel Review

Trip Rating: Good

Map of Macau

Map Macau Macao