Travel blogs of Easy39
Travel blogs of Easy39
Easy39 has travelled 0.5% of the countries in the world
Travel Id
Photo The finals of the 2004 Brasil Open, tennis chiampionship. Salvador Brazil
1 Travel Blogs
Name: Easy39
Age: 34-41
Country: Italy
City: -
Gender: Male
Travel type: Friends getaway
Flag Brazil
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Salvador Brazil

Pictures of a beach outside Salvador de Bahia.

Salvador Brazil Pictures of a beach outside Salvador de Bahia.

Salvador Brazil

The finals of the 2004 Brasil Open, tennis chiampionship.

Salvador Brazil The finals of the 2004 Brasil Open, tennis chiampionship.

Salvador Brazil

Souvenir shop in a small town on the Costa do Sauipe.

Salvador Brazil Souvenir shop in a small town on the Costa do Sauipe.
Travel Diary
Brazil Salvador in Brazil Spotting turtles on the beach of Costa do Sauipe 15 March 2010