Cunnamulla hotels: Cunnamulla Hotel Reviews Australia

Cunnamulla hotels, Australia

Hotels in Cunnamulla

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Cunnamulla, Australia
Cunnamulla QLD 4490

Nardoo Station is a 110,000 acre sheep and cattle property 38km north of Cunnamulla in South West Queensland. Comprising of 10 rooms, facilities include barbecue, hot artesian spas, air-con and campfire.

Cunnamulla, Australia
Charlotte Plains, Cunnamulla, QLD 4490, Australia

Some may say Cunnamulla is at the back of Bourke where the crows fly backwards to keep the dust out of their eyes Come and see for yourself, explore 70,000 acres on Charlotte Plains a working sheep and cattle property 54kms east of Cunnamulla. Enjoy naturea's spa bath,Home of Memorabilia, shearing shed, sheep and cattle, wildlife, birdlife, wildflowers,accommodation, and bush cooking.
Price: From 22 AUD per night