Travel Blogs Kyrgyzstan
Middle East

Travel Blogs Kyrgyzstan

Travel Blogs Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a country located in Middle East. Kyrgyzstan's capital is Bishkek and the currency is the Som.

Map of Kyrgyzstan

Map of Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan hotels

Cities in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Travel Bloggers

Photo of JYRGALPhoto of Alfonso

Kyrgyzstan Travel Blogs

Most Read Blogs
Karakol - Karakol and the Issyk Kul Lake
Jalal-Abad - Travel to Kyrgyzstan

Travel Blogs Kyrgyzstan

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Travel to Kyrgyzstan

Middle East » Kyrgyzstan » Jalal-Abad
21 September 2011
Jalal-Abad Kyrgyzstan

Jalal-Abad is located in southwestern Kyrgyzstan very close to Uzbekistan border and it being my home town I would like to take the opportunity to promote travel to Kygyzstan in general.

On one of my pictures you can see the gates on the entrance to Jalal-Abad which are a symbol of the city and contain some beautiful details.

The city of Jalal-Abad has also attracted...

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Karakol and the Issyk Kul Lake

Middle East » Kyrgyzstan » Karakol
23 April 2010
Photos of Karakol and the Issyk Kul Lake Karakol

Our journey through the Middle East started in Kyrgyzstan and took us all the way through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Armenia and Azerbaijan. One of the places we've visited in Kyrgyzstan was Karakol, popular for its Issyk Kul Lake.

The Issyuk Kul Lake is a major drawn card of this region and a lot of hikers and adventure seekers come here to challenge their survival...