Travel Blogs French Guiana
South America

Travel Blogs French Guiana

Travel Blogs French Guiana

French Guiana is a country located in South America. French Guiana's capital is Cayenne and the currency is the Euro.

Map of French Guiana

Map of French Guiana
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Cities in French Guiana

French Guiana Travel Bloggers

Photo of Leon

French Guiana Travel Blogs

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Cayenne - French Guiana Islands

Travel Blogs French Guiana

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French Guiana Islands

South America » French Guiana » Cayenne
21 July 2010
Cayenne French Guiana

This spring I made an Iles du Salut Islands cruise around all the volcanic little islands just north off the French Guiana coast.

Me and my wife had been in French Guiana for work and at the end of our stay all the collegues had organized this boat trip with highlight of the tour, the view of Devil's Island.

Devil's Island was pretty much as how it sounds and everything...