Travel Blogs Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Travel Blogs Democratic Republic of the Congo

Travel Blogs Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country located in Africa. Democratic Republic of the Congo's capital is Kinshasa and the currency is the Franc Congolais.

Map of Democratic Republic of the Congo

Map of Democratic Republic of the Congo
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Cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo Travel Bloggers

Photo of Ana

Democratic Republic of the Congo Travel Blogs

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Kinshasa - Lola Ya Bonobo sanctuary near..

Travel Blogs Democratic Republic of the Congo

Flag Democratic Republic of the Congo

Lola Ya Bonobo sanctuary near Kinshasa

Africa » Democratic Republic of the Congo » Kinshasa
21 May 2010
Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Lola Ya Bonobo sanctuary is a new home for orphaned bonobos and situated in a town called Les Petites Chutes de la Lukaya, just outside of Kinshasa in the south western tip of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Lola Ya Bonobo cares for more than 60 bonobo orphans and has an incredible staff who does a fantastic job rehabilitating infant orphan bonobos so that they can join...