Travel San Juan, Puerto Rico

On a mission to San Juan, Puerto Rico

March 14th, 2010

Puerto Rico is a beautiful country and a great place to travel to.

Especially in the capital of San Juan you will find a lot of interesting things to see and walking around the city you'll find yourself fascinated by the people, the nature and every single thing you come accross.

Photos of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Photos of San Juan, Puerto..

Puerto Rico still has a lot of poor areas where you probably shouldn't go late at night, at least not by yourself.

I had the possibility to go to Puerto Rico for work as I work for the marine military and I always left my valuable things at the base.

During the day we did several touristic tours and excursions. There are also several shopping centres where you can pick up some nice souvenirs. At night we went dancing at one of the local clubs.

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Travel Tips for San Juan Puerto Rico:

Where to stay in San Juan: -

What to do in San Juan: -

Where to eat in San Juan: -

Travel Pictures of San Juan, Puerto Rico

  • Photos of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Photos of San Juan, Puerto Rico.


San Juan Weather

Partly Cloudy
29 °C | 84.2 °F


Gianluca photo
Name: Gianluca
Age: 26-33
Travel type: Business trip

Travel Blog

On a mission to San Juan, Puerto Rico
Continent: South America
Country: Puerto Rico
City: San Juan
Period: -
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 1671

Travel Review

Liked: The amazing atmosphere.
Disliked: The poor conditions in which some of the locals live. It can be dangerous at night in certain areas of San Juan.
Trip Rating: Good

Map of San Juan

Map San Juan Puerto Rico