Travel Cartagena, Colombia

Experiencing life in Cartagena

March 9th, 2010

Cartagena is a beautiful place and the locals are amazing. I really started to love Colombia and this city particularly.

Before travelling to Colombia a lot of people tried to warn me about all the risks but I think travelling is not about fear or staying inside your home, it's about exploring a world that's new and soaking up the joyful but also the less happy moments that you'll find on your way.

The beach in Cartagena, Colombia The beach in Cartagena,..

But I guess the typical summer holiday where you lie on the beach and drink as much as you can is something that just has never appealed to me. I always wanted to travel by myself, without a certain plan or budget, just gone with the wind.

I also think that travelling isn't just about living happy moments but also about experiencing a part of the world where circumstances are different from the ones back home and so that you can learn from those differences and put certain obstacles of life in perspective.

My trip to Colombia taught me the importance of bounding with the people that are not like you and trying to find the thing that you do have in common. Experiencing a country like this made me feel so rich and I can truly see that Colombia is an amazing country!

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Travel Tips for Cartagena Colombia:

Where to stay in Cartagena: -

What to do in Cartagena: -

Where to eat in Cartagena: -

Travel Pictures of Cartagena, Colombia

  • The beach in Cartagena, Colombia The beach in Cartagena, Colombia
  • Photo of a Colombian bus in Cartagena. Photo of a Colombian bus in Cartagena.
  • Bus tours to Fortaleza San Felipe de Barajas in Cartagena. Bus tours to Fortaleza San Felipe de Barajas in Cartagena.
  • Photos of Cartagena in Colombia. Photos of Cartagena in Colombia.
  • Fortaleza San Felipe de Barajas and the Colombian flag in Cartagena. Fortaleza San Felipe de Barajas and the Colombian flag in Cartagena.
  • Le strade di Cartagena, Colombia. Le strade di Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Colourful houses of Cartagena, Plaza de los Coches. Colourful houses of Cartagena, Plaza de los Coches.


Cartagena Weather

Partly Cloudy
30 °C | 86 °F


D86f photo
Name: D86f
Age: 18-25
Travel type: Solo travel

Travel Blog

Experiencing life in Cartagena
Continent: South America
Country: Colombia
City: Cartagena
Period: -
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 4229

Travel Review

Liked: The people and the country.
Disliked: The touristic resorts, isolated from the real world that is Colombia.
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Cartagena, Bolivar

Map Cartagena Colombia