Travel Las Vegas, United States

The chaotic lifestyle in Las Vegas

March 8th, 2010

Some years ago I made a trip together with my husband to Las Vegas. Eventhough I had a great time and it's a great city to spend a few days I do think life in Las Vegas is a bit too chaotic but it all depends on what kind of holiday you're after.

For those who like a buzzling nightlife and an energetic vibe Las Vegas with all its bright neon lights and 24hour entertainment would be the perfect travel destination.

Fountain in Las Vegas, Nevada. Fountain in Las Vegas,..

I do recommend to go and visited some of the other amazing places near Las Vegas because there is a lot to see.

If you're looking for a relaxing romantic getaway this city definitely is too much though.

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Travel Tips for Las Vegas United States:

Where to stay in Las Vegas: -

What to do in Las Vegas: -

Where to eat in Las Vegas: -

Travel Pictures of Las Vegas, United States

  • Photos of Las Vegas, United States. Photos of Las Vegas, United States.
  • Fountain in Las Vegas, Nevada. Fountain in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Outside the theatre in Las Vegas. Outside the theatre in Las Vegas.
  • Photos of my trip to Las Vegas. Photos of my trip to Las Vegas.


Las Vegas Weather

25 °C | 77 °F


Sandrella photo
Name: Sandrella
Age: 42-49
Travel type: Couples vacation

Travel Blog

The chaotic lifestyle in Las Vegas
Continent: North America
Country: United States
City: Las Vegas
Period: -
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Views: 2095

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Trip Rating: Average

Map of Las Vegas, Nevada

Map Las Vegas United States