Travel Monaco, Monaco

Scubadiving in Montecarlo

March 2nd, 2010

My trip to Montecarlo is one of my favourites and I simply love this city that never sleeps. Besides the buzzling nightlife and the many eyecatchers you see passing by during the day, Montecarlo is also a very beautiful place with a beautiful sea.

I went scubadiving which was a great experience and there were so many colourful fish and underwater life, amazing!

Panoramic photo of Montecarlo. Panoramic photo of..

I also managed to win some cash at the casino but, unfortunately I couldn't quit the game and lost the whole bunch just minutes later..

I had a great time in Montecarlo and I would definitely go back!

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Travel Pictures of Monaco, Monaco

  • Panoramic photo of Montecarlo. Panoramic photo of Montecarlo.


Monaco Weather

Partly Cloudy
24 °C | 75.2 °F


Leptone81 photo
Name: Leptone81
Age: 26-33
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

Scubadiving in Montecarlo
Continent: Europe
Country: Monaco
City: Monaco
Period: -
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 2437

Travel Review

Liked: The casino.
Disliked: Losing at the casino..
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Monaco, La Condamine

Map Monaco Monaco