Travel Kabul, Afghanistan

Summer mission in Kabul, Afghanistan

February 10th, 2010

Back in 2003 when I prepared myself for my trip to Afghanistan I had no idea what to I could expect and how my stay would be. The journey to Afghanistan was long and not very comfortable as american military airplanes don't offer a lot of luxury..

Upon arrival in Kabul the whole landscap seemed so unrealistic and I don't believe I realized rightaway where I was and what I was supposed to do there. The landscape was so dark and grey that you could hardly look outside the windows to good a look of the area. Besides, it was summer so the heat made things worse and had turned Kabul into one big desert.

Pictures of mission in Afghanistan Pictures of mission in..

The next morning the sunlight shattered over endless stretches of sand on one side and steep mountains on the other side of the road. But it wasn't the landscape that impressed my during my stay in Afghanistan but the people did. The afghan people are very warm and open eventhough they have so little and live in the most poor conditions. They are proud of their country and of their believes, traditions and culture. I personally had never met people with such passion and strong will to survive a world that seems completely against them.

Time goes by slowly in Kabul and people don't live in chaos like we do. There is some kind of tranquility in the streets and lifes of the locas that I find hard to describe. Of course I was in Afghaniston on a military mission to preserve this tranquility and I hope with all my heart that the afghan people will be able to live their lifes in tranquility, now and in the future.

I don't know if Afghanistan can be considered a travel destination yet but I would recommend travelling to this part of the Middle East. You won't regret it and I wouldn't change my experience in Afhanistan for any other trip in the world!

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Travel Tips for Kabul Afghanistan:

Where to stay in Kabul: I stayed at the military base

What to do in Kabul: Get in contact with the locals and discover their culture

Where to eat in Kabul: -

Travel Pictures of Kabul, Afghanistan

  • Photos on the Market in Kabul Photos on the Market in Kabul
  • Pictures of mission in Afghanistan Pictures of mission in Afghanistan
  • Ice cream shop in Kabul Ice cream shop in Kabul
  • Local food stalls in Kabul Local food stalls in Kabul
  • Local transport in Kabul, Afghanistan Local transport in Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Landscape in Afghanistan Landscape in Afghanistan


Kabul Weather

Blowing Dust
32 °C | 89.6 °F


Earest photo
Name: Earest
Age: 34-41
Travel type: Solo travel

Travel Blog

Summer mission in Kabul, Afghanistan
Continent: Middle East
Country: Afghanistan
City: Kabul
Period: Jun '03-Sep '03
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 2534

Travel Review

Liked: The good hearted people and the nature
Disliked: Extrem climate, low hygiene and ongoing political battles
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Kabul

Map Kabul Afghanistan