Travel Shark Bay, Australia

Wildlife spotting at Eagle Bluff in Shark Bay

February 4th, 2010

Eagle Bluff is a great place to look out over the Shark Bay Heritage area and is home to some amazing wildlife. Eagle Bluff has some great bird life with of course the present eagle and you will be able to see sharks swimming in the clear waters below.

If you're real lucky you might even catch a grazing dugong which is a sea elephant that feeds on the sea grass that grows in Shark Bay. Dugongs are also spotted in Western Australia around Monkey Mia where a large group of dugongs is found.

Panorama at Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay Panorama at Eagle Bluff,..

The Dugongs like the area around Shark Bay because it has the largest sea grass banks in the world with more than 400.000 hectares. While the dugongs is a species threatened with extinsion worldwide the largest and most stabile group off them keeps coming back to the banks of Shark Bay.

Eagle Bluff is the perfect place to spot these amazing creatures during their feeding times because of the transparent waters. Dugongs spend most of their time on the ocean bottom so it can be hard to spot them.

From the boardwalk around Eagle Bluff you will be able to spot the Dirk Hartog Island just off shore. Dirk Hartog Islands was names after the Dutch Explorer Dirk Hartog and is a breeding ground for many birds like the famous Shark Bay eagle.

Eagle Bluff has always been a rich ground for wildlife even many years ago when the sea level was much lower and most of the land was covered by dry bush land wallabies and kangaroos hopped around where you will find the sharks today. A very magical place!

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Travel Tips for Shark Bay Australia:

Where to stay in Shark Bay: Stay in Denham or Monkey Mia, the nearest settlements.

What to do in Shark Bay: Go to Eagle Bluff and bring your binoculors to spot the sharks

Where to eat in Shark Bay: Bring some sandwiches along as they're are no eateries along the roads.

Travel Pictures of Shark Bay, Australia

  • Panorama at Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay Panorama at Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay
  • Boardwalk around the bay in Eagle Bluff Boardwalk around the bay in Eagle Bluff
  • Beautiful water around Dikr Hartog Island Beautiful water around Dikr Hartog Island
  • Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay Heritage Area Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay Heritage Area
  • Dirk Hartog Island from Eagle Bluff Dirk Hartog Island from Eagle Bluff
  • Kangaroos and Wallabies in Shark Bay Kangaroos and Wallabies in Shark Bay
  • The boardwalk around Eagle Bluff The boardwalk around Eagle Bluff
  • Dugongs around Dirk Hartog Island Dugongs around Dirk Hartog Island
  • Amazing Eagle Bluff Amazing Eagle Bluff
  • Creative tourists in Shark Bay Creative tourists in Shark Bay
  • Wildlife on the road in Shark Bay Wildlife on the road in Shark Bay
  • A Map of Shark Bay at Eagle Bluff A Map of Shark Bay at Eagle Bluff
  • Pictures of Shark Bay, WA Pictures of Shark Bay, WA
  • Dirk Hartog Island in Shark Bay Dirk Hartog Island in Shark Bay
  • Information panels at Eagle Bluff Information panels at Eagle Bluff
  • The walking path at Eagle Bluff The walking path at Eagle Bluff
  • Sharks in the water at Eagle Bluff Sharks in the water at Eagle Bluff


Shark Bay Weather

18 °C | 64.4 °F


Adam photo
Name: Adam
Age: 18-25
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

Wildlife spotting at Eagle Bluff in Shark Bay
Continent: Oceania
Country: Australia
City: Shark Bay
Period: Sep '09-Oct '09
Lenght of stay: 2 days
Views: 2128

Travel Review

Liked: The sharks at Eagle Bluff
Disliked: I didnt spot any dugongs
Trip Rating: Excellent

Map of Shark Bay, Western Australia

Map Shark Bay Australia