Travel Palermo, Italy

The traghetto from Palermo to Naples

February 2nd, 2010

After exploring Rome, the capital of Italy, I wanted to visit Sicily and visit the sights of Messina, Taormina, Catania, Agrigento and other places. After arriving in Messina, more about that in my future blogs, I rented a car to get around the island to eventually reach my final destination: Palermo.

My initial plan was to spend several days in Palermo too and see some of this southern capital but unfortunately my time schedule wouldn't let me. I did have some time to drive around the city, enjoy a real Sicilian granita at the Colorado Beach Gelateria on Via Simone Guli,close to Piazza Aquasanta and take some pictures of the street panorama. Piazza Acquasanta is built in a cortile between tall buildings on one side and in front of a harbour on the other side. Its a great place to sit down and enjoy the view.

Church in PalermoChurch in Palermo

From Palermo I wanted to head back to the main land by traghetto so the most important thing was to purchase a ferry ticket to get from Palermo to Naples. I could have taken the ferry back to Rome but since I had never been to Naples I decided to take a different route.

The tickets for the Tirrenia ferry can be purchased in the harbour area of Palermo where you will find a ticket office. The ferry ride costs about 100 euro one-way so it isn't the most economical option compared to flying but it sure will be a different experience!

To prepare myself I already checked in advance from where my ferry would depart which was pretty confusing so I was happy I did. In the end everything worked out and I got on time on the ferry which wasn't the case for everybody. Just when the boat was ready to leave the harbour another family arrived and started shouting that they couldnt miss the ferry and needed to get on board. Unfortunately for them the captain couldnt stop the engines to let them board the ferry so the boat departed anyway..

The ferry trip was great, except for all the barking dogs, and the next morning, after a nice breakfast I arrived in Naples where the sun was shining bright at 5 am.

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Travel Tips for Palermo Italy:

Where to stay in Palermo: You can book a sleeping cabin on the ferry

What to do in Palermo: Make sure to be in time or they will leave you behind..

Where to eat in Palermo: Breakfast and dinner are served on the ferry

Travel Pictures of Palermo, Italy

  • Church in Palermo Church in Palermo
  • Via Simone Guli Via Simone Guli
  • Picking up the ferry tickets Picking up the ferry tickets
  • Entering the harbour Entering the harbour
  • Taking the ferry to Naples Taking the ferry to Naples
  • Palm trees on Piazza Acquasanta Palm trees on Piazza Acquasanta
  • The harbour in Palermo The harbour in Palermo
  • Barking dogs on the ferry Barking dogs on the ferry
  • A boat ready to depart A boat ready to depart
  • Driving to the port of Palermo Driving to the port of Palermo
  • Villa Igiea dal Molo dell' Acquasanta Villa Igiea dal Molo dell' Acquasanta
  • Via Simone Guli in Palermo Via Simone Guli in Palermo
  • Palazzi in Palermo Palazzi in Palermo
  • The port of Acquasanta The port of Acquasanta
  • On the ferry to Naples On the ferry to Naples
  • Arriving in Naples Arriving in Naples
  • The colours of Palermo The colours of Palermo
  • Photos of Palermo Photos of Palermo
  • Tirrenia in Naples Tirrenia in Naples
  • Minimarket Padre Pio in Palermo Minimarket Padre Pio in Palermo
  • Flowershop in Palermo Flowershop in Palermo
  • The centre of Palermo The centre of Palermo
  • Ferry from Palermo to Naples Ferry from Palermo to Naples


Palermo Weather

31 °C | 87.8 °F


Jacque87 photo
Name: Jacque87
Age: 34-41
Travel type: Solo travel

Travel Blog

The traghetto from Palermo to Naples
Continent: Europe
Country: Italy
City: Palermo
Period: Jan 2010
Lenght of stay: 1 day
Views: 5417

Travel Review

Liked: The ferry ride was comfortable
Disliked: The barking dogs..
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Palermo, Sicily

Map Palermo Italy