Travel Mount Gambier, Australia

The Blue Lake and Gardens of Mount Gambier

January 26th, 2010

The town of Mount Gambier is a typical stopover on the road from South Australia to Victoria and before you head to Portland this is the last place where you can get rid of your fruits and vegies before crossing the border.

Its illegal to travel between different states and bringing any organic foods or drinks with you and therefor you're supposed to deposit your groceries in a quarantaine box about a km before entering the next state. Of course we forgot to think about this strange Ozzie law and instead did some grocery shopping in Mount thinking. So there we parked in our car in front of the quarantaine box, looking out over the middle of nowhere alongside the road while eating as much fruit as we possibly could before driving to Portland in Victoria..

The botanical gardens The botanical gardens

Before heading to Portland we decided to stop in Mount Gambier, not just to stuff up on supplies but also to visit some local attractions like the famous Blue Lake and the towns botanical cave gardens.

Besides these attractions Mount Gambier is a very quiet town and hasnt too much to offer tourists. The Blue Lake was nice from the Apex lookout near the visitors centre. The down part was that it was a bit cloudy so we didn't get to see the best colours the lake has to offer when reflecting the sunlight.

The botanical cave gardens were very interesting and beautifully decorated with wildflowers and paved paths. A bit out of the town centre we wanted to visit the Engelbrecht Cave as well but it turned out that we could only access the caves on a guided tour so we passed.

In the end we did get to see some of Mount Gambiers local sights and that was what we wanted but we were glad we didn't booked for a sleepover.

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Travel Tips for Mount Gambier Australia:

Where to stay in Mount Gambier: We drove through to Portland and stayed there at the Seascape B&B which was perfect!

What to do in Mount Gambier: Drive up to Blue Lake on a sunny day

Where to eat in Mount Gambier: Eat all your fruits before crossing the border!

Travel Pictures of Mount Gambier, Australia

  • Civic Guide of Mount Gambier Civic Guide of Mount Gambier
  • The botanical gardens The botanical gardens
  • Heading to Blue Lake in Mt Gambier Heading to Blue Lake in Mt Gambier
  • Stopover in Mount Gambier Stopover in Mount Gambier
  • Looking into the cave gardens Looking into the cave gardens
  • Pictures from the cave Pictures from the cave
  • Beautiful flowers in Mt Gambier Beautiful flowers in Mt Gambier
  • The cave gardens of Mt Gambier The cave gardens of Mt Gambier
  • The cave gardens in Gambier The cave gardens in Gambier
  • Pictures of Mount Gambier Pictures of Mount Gambier
  • Tours at the Engelbrecht Cave Tours at the Engelbrecht Cave
  • Sign Engelbrecht Cave Sign Engelbrecht Cave
  • The caves of mount Gambier The caves of mount Gambier
  • Pictures of Engelbrecht Cave Pictures of Engelbrecht Cave
  • Engelbrecht Cave in Mt Gambier Engelbrecht Cave in Mt Gambier
  • Visitors Centre Blue Lake Visitors Centre Blue Lake
  • Amazing Blue Lake picture Amazing Blue Lake picture
  • Photos Blue Lake Mt Gambier Photos Blue Lake Mt Gambier
  • Blue Lake from Apex Lookout Blue Lake from Apex Lookout
  • On Apex Lookout Mount Gambier On Apex Lookout Mount Gambier
  • Blue Lake in Mount Gambier Blue Lake in Mount Gambier
  • Pictures Apex Lookout Pictures Apex Lookout
  • Driving up to Blue Lake Driving up to Blue Lake
  • Welcome in Victoria sign Welcome in Victoria sign
  • Welcome in South Australia sign Welcome in South Australia sign
  • South Australia Victoria Border South Australia Victoria Border
  • Australian interstate fruit laws Australian interstate fruit laws
  • Dropping our fruit in South Australia Dropping our fruit in South Australia


Mount Gambier Weather

10 °C | 50 °F


Monique photo
Name: Monique
Age: 26-33
Travel type: Couples vacation

Travel Blog

The Blue Lake and Gardens of Mount Gambier
Continent: Oceania
Country: Australia
City: Mount Gambier
Period: Dec '09-Jan '10
Lenght of stay: 1 day
Views: 2211

Travel Review

Liked: The botanical cave gardens are nice!
Disliked: There is not too much to do in Mount Gambier
Trip Rating: Average

Map of Mount Gambier, South Australia

Map Mount Gambier Australia