San Miguel de Allende travel blogs and pictures
North America

Travel Blogs San Miguel de Allende

Travel Blogs San Miguel de Allende

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San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato, Mexico

San Miguel de Allende is a city located in Mexico, North America.

Map of San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende Travel Bloggers

Photo of Harry

San Miguel de Allende Travel Blogs

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Travel Blogs San Miguel de Allende

North America » Mexico » San Miguel de Allende
01 October 2010
San Miguel de Allende Mexico

San Miguel de Allende is a beautiful little town in the region of Allende which lies in the central highlands of Mexico.

The central point of San Miguel de Allende and a sacred place of gathering is formed by the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, also known as La Parroquia.

La Parroquia shows off some of San Miguel de Allende's finest architecture and gives...