Travel Cape Leveque, Australia

Mud Crabbing in the mangroves near Cape Leveque

January 10th, 2010

A very traditional thing to do in the Kimberley region is to go mud crabbing. Most of the day tours up to Cape Leveque include a visit to the mangroves on the way back to Broome where you will not only observe the art of mud crabbing but have a go yourself as well.

And believe me the name says it all! So there we were in the mud trying not to fall over in our oversized boots in a labyrinth made of branches, sticks and mud pools. Of course nobody got their hands on a crab that could be considered dinner so we relied completely on our Aboriginal guide. This man turned out to be the genius of the mangroves and came back with a bag full of giant crabs!

Moving into the mangrovesMoving into the mangroves

How he managed to catch them with just a thin piece of iron poking in the mud whole only heaven knows. I just remembered getting out of that mud hole was a job on its own!

Back to our car we washed off the mud we had all over us and like little school kids watched our guide while he demonstrated his catch. In the end we were all treated to a fresh piece of crab meat from the grill without really having done anything to earn it so I guess we did ok!

Did you enjoy Mud Crabbing in the mangroves near Cape Leveque and have you been on a holiday in Cape Leveque, Australia?
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Travel Tips for Cape Leveque Australia:

Where to stay in Cape Leveque: -

What to do in Cape Leveque: Have a go at the mud crabbing, its the most fun you can have in the mangroves!

Where to eat in Cape Leveque: -

Travel Pictures of Cape Leveque, Australia

  • Moving into the mangroves Moving into the mangroves
  • Is this a crab? Is this a crab?
  • The mangroves around Cape Leveque The mangroves around Cape Leveque
  • Mud crabbing in the mangroves Mud crabbing in the mangroves
  • Ready to go mud crabbing Ready to go mud crabbing
  • Getting the fire started Getting the fire started
  • Photos of the day trip to Cape Leveque Photos of the day trip to Cape Leveque
  • Keep the crabs in the bag! Keep the crabs in the bag!
  • This is how to catch a mud crab.. This is how to catch a mud crab..
  • Mud crabbing in Western Australia Mud crabbing in Western Australia
  • Mud crabbing in Australia Mud crabbing in Australia
  • Look at the size of these crabs! Look at the size of these crabs!
  • Traditional mud crabbing in Cape Leveque Traditional mud crabbing in Cape Leveque
  • Fresh crab on the barbie Fresh crab on the barbie
  • Grilled crab meat in the mangroves Grilled crab meat in the mangroves
  • Our Aboriginal mud crabbing guide Our Aboriginal mud crabbing guide
  • The mangroves at sunset The mangroves at sunset
  • End of the Cape Leveque dat tour End of the Cape Leveque dat tour
  • Getting back from our dat trip Getting back from our dat trip


Cape Leveque Weather

8 °C | 46.4 °F


Adriana photo
Name: Adriana
Age: 34-41
Travel type: Couples vacation

Travel Blog

Mud Crabbing in the mangroves near Cape Leveque
Continent: Oceania
Country: Australia
City: Cape Leveque
Period: Oct 2009
Lenght of stay: 1 day
Views: 2238

Travel Review

Liked: The whole mud crabbing experience
Disliked: Falling over in the mud..
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Cape Leveque

Map Cape Leveque Australia