The Pagnanelli restourant entrance
The Pagnanelli restourant entrance, Castel Gandolfo Italy
Canstel Gandolfo
Canstel Gandolfo, Castel Gandolfo Italy
The view from Pagnanelli's restourant on Castel Gandolfo's lake
The view from Pagnanelli's restourant on Castel Gandolfo's lake, Castel Gandolfo Italy
Pagnanelli's menu
Pagnanelli's menu, Castel Gandolfo Italy
Inside the restourant
Inside the restourant, Castel Gandolfo Italy
The best italian coffee (espresso) I ever had!
The best italian coffee (espresso) I ever had!, Castel Gandolfo Italy
What an excellent pasta!
What an excellent pasta!, Castel Gandolfo Italy
The table
The table, Castel Gandolfo Italy
The bread was great and it had some olives in it
The bread was great and it had some olives in it, Castel Gandolfo Italy
Menu for italian cooking courses
Menu for italian cooking courses, Castel Gandolfo Italy
The entrance door sign
The entrance door sign, Castel Gandolfo Italy
The entrance of Pagnanelli's in Castel Gandolfo
The entrance of Pagnanelli's in Castel Gandolfo, Castel Gandolfo Italy