Travel Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pictures of the Favelas in Rio de Janeiro

January 4th, 2010

The Brazilian Favelas in Rio de Janeiro are known as one of the worlds most poor and dangerous places and visiting a neighbourhood in this area is probably not the safest tourist attraction on the market.

The only way to visit the Favelas is by tour and always accompanied by a professional guide. Usually the gangs in ghetto's like the Favelas get paid by the tour agency to keep quiet and let the tourist have a look in their neighbourhood. This doesn't mean that you can walk around in the Favelas taking pictures of everybody or acting freely the way you would during any other tour.

The Favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The Favelas in Rio de..

Just respect the people who live here and make sure to behave in a way that won't make you stand out of the group in a bad way. After all, the favelas of Rio de Janeiro represent a sad story of people completely forgotton by the rest of the world and trying to survive from day to day. We saw kids not being kids or even wearing arms because in order to eat they might have to rob someone or at least defend themselfves.

Complexo do Alemao is a group of favelas in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro and gives you an idea of how terribly build these houses are and in what conditions the people here live.

The favela of Rocinha is the largest of Brazil and located in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro. Rocinha is located on a steep hill and looks out over the sea. Once the houses here were nothing more than those of a shanty town but over the years the people started to build with bricks and concrete other than card board and rubbish which turned Rocinha into a more urbanized slum. Some houses even have more stories and almost all the houses have electricity, plumbing and basic sanitation now.

Either way it remains a very impressive place and it changes the way you look at the world.

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Travel Tips for Rio de Janeiro Brazil:

Where to stay in Rio de Janeiro: -

What to do in Rio de Janeiro: Make sure you never go into a favela without a guide or somebody to accompany you!

Where to eat in Rio de Janeiro: -

Travel Pictures of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • The Favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The Favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Brazilian kids in a favela Brazilian kids in a favela
  • Pictures of a favela in Rio de Janeiro Pictures of a favela in Rio de Janeiro
  • The houses of a Brazilian favela The houses of a Brazilian favela
  • Photos of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro Photos of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro
  • Pictures of the Rocinha favela in Rio de Janeiro Pictures of the Rocinha favela in Rio de Janeiro
  • Pictures inside Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro Pictures inside Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro
  • Children of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro Children of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro
  • The houses of the Rocinha favela The houses of the Rocinha favela


Rio de Janeiro Weather

Partly Cloudy
26 °C | 78.8 °F


Joost photo
Name: Joost
Age: 18-25
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

Pictures of the Favelas in Rio de Janeiro
Continent: South America
Country: Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Period: Feb '09-Mar '09
Lenght of stay: 5 days
Views: 11199

Travel Review

Liked: It's good to see places like this because it make you realize how fragile life is and gives you another reason not to waste it
Disliked: The poverty, the misery and seeing kids playing around in it..
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Rio de Janeiro

Map Rio de Janeiro Brazil