Travel Great Barrier Reef, Australia

My Trip To Great Barrier Reef

May 13th, 2011

The Great Barrier Reef is located on the eastern side of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. The main claim to fame this reef has, is that it is the largest coral reef in the world. In fact, it is so large and beautiful; it is listed as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The nearest airport to the Great Barrier Reef is Cairns. Once you reach the Reef there are many activities available to do. However, snorkeling and other waterborne activities are by far the most popular activities at the Great Barrier Reef.

Once you reach Cairns there will be plenty of places for you to stay and soak the natural beauty of the area. Environmentally sensitive tourism is the new trend nowadays. This area has been giving vacationers environmentally friendly vacation even before environmentalism became a trend. One such place to take in the natural beauty of the Reef and the surrounding Whitsundays would be a resort named Paradise bay. This resort specializes in giving travelers a truly unique vacation experience. It offers travelers a close up look at the Great

Barrier Reef without spoiling or harming the environment in any way.

The highlight of this area is that it only allows a few guests at a time, 20 to be exact. Children are not allowed and there is only minimal use of electricity. This means no cable television or mobile phones. The whole idea is to be isolated from the outside world as much as possible. The food cooked up by the chefs is truly gourmet quality. There are also boats available for renting and exploring around the area. The whole idea is to get away from the “civilized” world as much as possible and enjoy some true peace and quiet. Predictably, this and other resorts of the area are very popular with couples on their honeymoon vacation.

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Travel Tips for Great Barrier Reef Australia:

Where to stay in Great Barrier Reef: -

What to do in Great Barrier Reef: -

Where to eat in Great Barrier Reef: -


Great Barrier Reef Weather

22 °C | 71.6 °F


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Name: Natasha
Age: 26-33
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

My Trip To Great Barrier Reef
Continent: Oceania
Country: Australia
City: Great Barrier Reef
Period: Aug 2010
Lenght of stay: 10 days
Views: 2068

Travel Review

Trip Rating: Excellent

Map of Great Barrier Reef

Map Great Barrier Reef Australia