Travel Perth, Australia

By ferry from Perth to Fremantle

October 5th, 2009

We arrived in Perth around midnight and after a short taxi ride we checked in at the Medina Executive: gorgeous place right in the centre of Perth. After a good night sleep we decided to take some breakfast on Hay St, together with Murray St one of the most central streets of the city. We had a lovely breakfast at Bocelli with fresh croissants and orange juice while some curious sea eagles tried to steal a bite.

After breakfast we took a walk up to swan river where I saw my first wild dolphin right on the city shore! Unfortunately it went down rightaway and we didn't see it again. At Swan River we decided to take the morning ferry to Fremantle (25$AUD).


From the ferry you can enjoy the amazing skyline of Perth with views of the swan river area and kings cross park. After about half an our we arrived in the harbour of Fremantle.

Fremantle is a really cute little town with beautiful buildings and the famous Fremantle markets which we were lucky enough to visit (held friday-sunday). At the markets you can get almost everything from ginger bread to authentic boomerangs. There is also a lot of aboriginal art craft.

After a stroll through the markets we went up hill to Monument Hill which is not only a WWII monument but also a great lookout over the town.

After that we visited the world famous Fremantle Prison where prisoners from all over the world were shipped to so they could be kept completely isolated. The prison was quite impressive and really well underkept. There were a lot of items in display that give you an idea of the harsh life these men lived.

Perth JettyPerth Jetty

Around the prison we even got to see ( my personal highlight of the day) some real parrots! We spotted two brightly coloured parrots in a tree right above our heads!!

After a long walk we arrived back at the Ocean Express harbour to take the ferry back to Perth.

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Travel Tips for Perth Australia:

Where to stay in Perth: -

What to do in Perth: When you're at the ferry point in Perth ask for a map of the town and ask for a ferry time table.

Where to eat in Perth: -

Travel Pictures of Perth, Australia

  • Skyline! Skyline!
  • Perth Jetty Perth Jetty
  • Centre Centre
  • Look over Perth Look over Perth
  • .. ..
  • Swan River Esplanade Swan River Esplanade
  • Birdies Birdies
  • Ferry ride to Freo Ferry ride to Freo
  • Freo Freo
  • Church Church
  • Fremantle town Fremantle town
  • By ferry from Perth to Fremantle Australia Diary Photography By ferry from Perth to Fremantle Australia Diary Photography
  • Fremantle Markets Fremantle Markets
  • Parrot flowers Parrot flowers
  • Mountain Hill Mountain Hill
  • The Round House The Round House
  • Parrot in the tree!! Parrot in the tree!!


Perth Weather

19 °C | 66.2 °F


Mari photo
Name: Mari
Age: 26-33
Travel type: Couples vacation

Travel Blog

By ferry from Perth to Fremantle
Continent: Oceania
Country: Australia
City: Perth
Period: Oct 2009
Lenght of stay: 1 day
Views: 3716

Travel Review

Liked: The parrots, the beautiful scenery on the ferry ride and the town of Fremantle.
Disliked: Running back to the harbour at the end of the day trying not to miss the ferry..
Trip Rating: Excellent

Map of Perth, Western Australia

Map Perth Australia