Travel Kamanjab, Namibia

Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia

August 16th, 2010

In Kamanjab, southwest of the Etosha National Park we visited the Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia and stayed here as well since the park offers accomodation at the Ojitotongwe Lodge as well.

The owners of the Ojitotongwe Lodge provided us with a tour guide who took us on some unforgettable walk safari's and cheetah feedings so we could get really close to these amazing animals.

Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab TripTravel Blog Kamanjab

We also got to see some cheetah cubs with thei mothers playing around and trying to get their share of the meal which was so much fun.

The best thing about the Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park is that you will have to possibility to engage with both tame and wild cheetahs and take some nice pictures.

The Cheetah Park has become a tourist attraction in Nambia for its great wildife encounters and because of its education programme which explains a lot about the conditions of the cheetah in Namibia and offers a wildlife experience that you won't forget.

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Travel Pictures of Kamanjab, Namibia

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  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Blog Photography Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Blog Photography
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Diary Sharing Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Diary Sharing
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Vacation Photo Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Vacation Photo
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Travel Photo Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Travel Photo
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Review Gallery Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Review Gallery
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Holiday Photos Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Holiday Photos
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Vacation Pictures Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Vacation Pictures
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Holiday Sharing Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Holiday Sharing
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Trip Pictures Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Trip Pictures
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Album Sharing Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Album Sharing
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Blog Review Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Blog Review
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Diary Information Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Diary Information
  • Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Vacation Picture Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia Kamanjab Vacation Picture


Kamanjab Weather

21 °C | 69.8 °F


TerranceFoster photo
Age: 18-25
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

Ojitotongwe Cheetah Park Namibia
Continent: Africa
Country: Namibia
City: Kamanjab
Period: -
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 2102

Travel Review

Liked: The cheetahs and especially the feeding programme!
Disliked: We had our share of bad weather..
Trip Rating: Excellent

Map of Kamanjab, Kunene

Map Kamanjab Namibia