Travel Yaren, Nauru

Nauru Island Pictures

July 28th, 2010

For six months I could call the island of Nauru in the South Pacific, and maybe for some people the middle of nowhere, my home as I worked there as a teacher.

Together with my wife we left for Nauru in the beginning of 2010 for a unique adventure on this tiny nation in Micronesia.

Nauru Island Pictures Yaren Album PicturesWhere to go in Yaren

The capital of Nauru, Yaren, is the island's most important commercial and political center and this was also the place where my wife and I lived for the duration of 6 months.

Nauru wouldn't be a typical travel destination and won't come across a lot of tourists or fellow travellers during your holiday as most foreigners on Nauru work in the phosphate industry.

The phosphate industry of Nauru has attracted a lot of mine workers from surrounding countries which in theory is a positive thing for the wealth of the island but it won't leave you with a lot of pretty island pictures as trucks and mineries dominate the panorama on Nauru and in Yaren.

I did try to make as much pictures though as it really was a special travel experience for us. The people were always friendly and very welcoming. Eventough life in Yaren was so different they really helped to make us feel at home.

Nauru Island Pictures Yaren Story SharingWhere to go in Yaren

In a period of a few months we made friends, collegues and neighbours but also with the families of the children which was very touching. The kids were great and so eager to learn that it turned my troubles finding our way on the island into someting positive and unforgettable.

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Travel Tips for Yaren Nauru:

Where to stay in Yaren: We had a little house next to the school in Yaren.

What to do in Yaren: Meet the locals.

Where to eat in Yaren: We love our weekend BBQ's with the neighbours.

Travel Pictures of Yaren, Nauru

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  • Nauru Island Pictures Yaren Blog Information Nauru Island Pictures Yaren Blog Information
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  • Nauru Island Pictures Yaren Vacation Information Nauru Island Pictures Yaren Vacation Information


Yaren Weather

Partly Cloudy
28 °C | 82.4 °F


Christian45 photo
Age: 42-49
Travel type: Business trip

Travel Blog

Nauru Island Pictures
Continent: Oceania
Country: Nauru
City: Yaren
Period: Jan '10-Jul '10
Lenght of stay: 6 months
Views: 8103

Travel Review

Liked: The people, especially the enthusiasm of the kids
Disliked: The booming industry
Trip Rating: Good

Map of Yaren

Map Yaren Nauru