Travel Lencois, Brazil

Lencois and the Gruta Lapu Dolce

April 5th, 2010

From Salvador we travelled to Lencois, an area known for its natural beauties and a perfect way to calm down from the crazy carnaval days we spend in Salvador.

Lencois has some amazing waterfalls, mountains, sand dunes gorges and underwater caves and a tour to at least one of these beautiful parts of Brazil is a must on every tourists list!

Photos of our snorkeling excursion in Lecois, Brazil Photos of our snorkeling..

We visited the amazing waters of the Gruta Lapa Doce and went snorkeling in these crystal clear waters.

The tour was amazing and we had a lot of fun, the caves if Gruta Lapu Doce are really unique. We also went ziplining over the lagoons which added a bit of edge to the excursion.

Lencois was great and I would definitely recommend it to people travelling through the state of Bahia, inland from Salvador.

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Travel Tips for Lencois Brazil:

Where to stay in Lencois: -

What to do in Lencois: -

Where to eat in Lencois: -

Travel Pictures of Lencois, Brazil

  • Photos of our snorkeling excursion in Lecois, Brazil Photos of our snorkeling excursion in Lecois, Brazil
  • Pictures of the gorges and mountains in Lencois Pictures of the gorges and mountains in Lencois
  • Underwater caves in Lencois, Brazil Underwater caves in Lencois, Brazil
  • Beautiful landscapes of Lencois, Brazil Beautiful landscapes of Lencois, Brazil
  • Snorkeling tour in Lencois, Brazil Snorkeling tour in Lencois, Brazil
  • Gruta Lupa Doce formations in Lencois Gruta Lupa Doce formations in Lencois
  • Zipling over the cave lagoons in Lencois Zipling over the cave lagoons in Lencois
  • Fish swimming in the clear waters of Gruta Lupa Doce Fish swimming in the clear waters of Gruta Lupa Doce
  • The gorges in Lencois The gorges in Lencois
  • Photos inside the Gruta Lupa Doce, Lencois Photos inside the Gruta Lupa Doce, Lencois
  • Tour to the Gruta Lupa Doce caves in Lencois Tour to the Gruta Lupa Doce caves in Lencois
  • Gruta Lapa Doce park sign in Lencois Gruta Lapa Doce park sign in Lencois


Lencois Weather

Light Rain with Thunder
22 °C | 71.6 °F


Johnno photo
Name: Johnno
Age: 18-25
Travel type: Friends getaway

Travel Blog

Lencois and the Gruta Lapu Dolce
Continent: South America
Country: Brazil
City: Lencois
Period: Feb '09-Apr '09
Lenght of stay: -
Views: 4350

Travel Review

Liked: The caves and the ziplining!
Disliked: Nothing!
Trip Rating: Excellent

Map of Lencois, Sao Paulo

Map Lencois Brazil